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Explore treatment options for generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias

Are you tired of struggling with overwhelming sense of dread that follows you everywhere? What started as a nervous thought became a negative cycle that’s holding you back with “what ifs” and telling you "you can't do this”. You just wanted a moment of peace, but that seems impossible to achieve. If this resonates with you, it might be time to explore options for anxiety treatment.


A little bit of anxiety or stress can be healthy, as it is our body's response to situations perceived as dangerous. Anxiety is a natural response to stress. However, when anxiety becomes excessive, persistent, and starts to impact your ability to live life to the fullest, it becomes problematic.

Understanding Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are the one of the most common mental health concerns, affecting millions of people worldwide. The main types of anxiety disorders include:


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Persistent and excessive worry about various aspects of life, such as work, health, and relationships.


Panic Disorder: Recurrent and unexpected panic attacks, often accompanied by a fear of future attacks and avoidance of situations that may trigger them.


Social Anxiety Disorder: Intense fear of social situations, often driven by concerns about being judged, embarrassed, or rejected by others.


Specific Phobias: Excessive fear of specific objects or situations, such as heights, animals, or flying.

Symptoms of Anxiety


Anxiety can manifest in various ways, both physically and emotionally. Common symptoms include:


  • Excessive worry and difficulty concentrating

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Heart palpitations or accelerated heart rate

  • Dizziness, feeling faint, or nausea

  • Shortness of breath, sweating and trembling

  • Avoidance of anxiety-provoking situations

Causes of Anxiety


Anxiety disorders can stem from a combination of factors, including:


  • Stressful life events and trauma

  • Personality traits, learned behaviours, thought patterns

  • Brain chemistry imbalances

  • Genetics and family history

How Therapy Can Help

Hope and healing in anxiety recovery with therapy

Psychotherapy treatment can complement psychiatric treatment to enhance the overall effectiveness of your anxiety treatment plan. When combined with psychiatric treatment and/or medication, our work together in therapy can:


  • Help you understand and process the emotions, thoughts, and behaviours that contribute to your anxiety

  • Provide a safe space for you to explore and address past experiences or traumas that may be fuelling your anxiety

  • Teach you practical skills and techniques for managing your anxiety symptoms in daily life

  • Encourage lifestyle changes and self-care practices that promote your overall mental health and well-being

  • Support you in gradually confronting feared situations and building your resilience

  • Foster a sense of self-awareness and empowerment in managing your anxiety


If you're struggling with anxiety, know that you are not alone. I provide anxiety therapy treatment for individuals struggling with various forms of anxiety, whether you're struggling with social anxiety, feeling paralyzed by fear before important presentations at work, or finding yourself avoiding things due to anxiety.

Anxiety treatment can provide you with support while isolating the source of your anxiety.

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  • ​Anger Management Therapy

  • Anxiety Therapy

  • Depression Therapy

  • Grief Therapy

  • LGBTQIA+ Affirming Therapy

  • Relationship / Couples Therapy

  • Trauma Therapy

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Begin Counselling

Ready to begin counseling? Explore how we can help you find clarity. Schedule your initial consultation today.

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