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Your First Visit

Taking the first step towards therapy can feel daunting, but knowing what to expect can help ease any uncertainties. I aim to create a warm, supportive environment where you can freely explore your thoughts and feelings. Before your first visit, I provide a complimentary 15-minute initial consultation to help you prepare.

Before Your First Session

Before your first therapy appointment, you'll have the opportunity to connect with me via a complimentary 15-minute phone or video call.


During this brief consultation, you can:

  • Ask any questions you may have about the therapy process

  • Discuss your goals and reasons for seeking therapy

  • Get a sense of your therapist’s style and approach

  • Address any concerns or apprehensions you may be feeling


This initial conversation allows us to begin building rapport while ensuring therapy is the right step for you at this time. We'll also cover some logistical matters, such as our policies, scheduling, and payment arrangements. It's also a chance for you to determine if you feel comfortable working with me.

Therapy via online and virtual options


Prior to your initial appointment, we'll ask you to complete a simple sign-up form to gather some basic information. This helps us prepare for our first meeting together. The link to the form is here.


You are also encouraged to review our therapy consent form ahead of time. This document outlines practice policies, confidentiality guidelines, and other important details about the therapy process. This form protects both you and me. It is a standard practice across the counselling industry. While you don't need to sign it until your first session, reading through it beforehand allows you to bring any questions or concerns to our initial discussion.

What to Expect

During your initial session, we will begin by discussing the reasons that brought you to seek therapy. Feel free to share as much or as little as you're comfortable with – there's no pressure to delve into deep details right away.


Most importantly, this first meeting allows us to establish a rapport and determine if we're a good fit to work together. Therapy is a collaborative process, and finding the right therapist-client connection is crucial for its success.

How to Prepare

While no preparation is required, you may find it helpful to reflect on the challenges or goals you'd like to address in therapy. Writing down your thoughts can provide a useful reference point during our discussion.


It's also perfectly normal to feel a bit nervous or unsure – that's a natural reaction to any new experience. Remember, your therapist is there to support you, not to judge.

Just come as you are.

Our Therapy Room

The Therapy Process

Therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution or a single-session event. It's an ongoing process that unfolds over multiple sessions, allowing us to explore your concerns in-depth and develop effective strategies for personal growth and change.


The number of sessions needed can vary significantly depending on your specific situation and goals. Some people find relief after just a few sessions, while others may require longer-term support. During our work together, we will regularly re-evaluate your progress and adjust the treatment approach as needed.


It is also important to dispel the myth that therapy is something you'll need forever. The goal of counselling is to provide you with the insights and tools to improve your mental well-being and equip you to better cope with life’s challenges. Therapy is ultimately meant to be temporary.

Therapy is a marathon, not a sprint.

Counselling reach out  in Singapore

An Ongoing Journey

While the first session focuses on building rapport and understanding your goals, the real work begins in follow-up sessions. During these subsequent sessions, we will:


Explore Root Causes

We will dive deeper into the underlying issues, thought patterns and experiences contributing to your current challenges. This exploration fosters self-awareness and insight.

Develop Strategies

Drawing from various therapeutic techniques, I will work with you to develop personalized coping strategies. These may include cognitive-behavioural tools, mindfulness practices, relaxation and grounding techniques, or dialectical approaches.

Practice New Skills

Therapy doesn't just involve discussion – you will be provided guidance for implementing new skills and perspectives into your daily life through exercises, role-playing, and homework assignments.

Track Progress

Each session allows you and your therapist to reflect on progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed to ensure it fits you.

Build Your Toolbox

Over time, you'll accumulate a "toolbox" of techniques uniquely tailored to your needs. Your therapist’s role is to empower you with self-help tools to manage stressors independently.

See You Soon!

As you make positive strides and develop healthy coping mechanisms, the need for frequent sessions will likely diminish over time. My hope is to help you reach a point where you feel empowered to manage your mental health independently.


But rest assured, even after concluding therapy, I’m still here for you should you need periodic check-ins or explore new issues down the road. What matters most is that you feel safe, supported, and in control throughout your therapeutic journey.

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