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Understanding and Nurturing Your Self-Worth Is Important To Your Mental Health

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is the overall sense of value and worth that we place on ourselves. It encompasses our beliefs, emotions, and attitudes about who we are and what we are capable of achieving. Having a healthy level of self-esteem is crucial for maintaining good mental health, fostering resilience, and leading a fulfilling life.

What Influences Low Self-Esteem?

Low self-esteem can stem from various factors, including:
  • Negative childhood experiences, such as abuse, neglect, or excessive criticism

  • Bullying or social rejection

  • Trauma or significant life challenges

  • Chronic illness or physical disabilities

  • Dysfunctional family dynamics

  • Unrealistic societal or cultural expectations

  • Comparison to others and social media influence

  • Discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or other factors

When someone struggles with low self-esteem, they may experience:

  1. Negative self-talk and self-criticism

  2. Difficulty accepting compliments or praises

  3. Fear of failure or taking risks

  4. Perfectionism and setting unrealistic standards

  5. Unhealthy relationships and difficulty setting boundaries

  6. Anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns


People struggling with low self-esteem often feel that they are unworthy of love, socially awkward, or incompetent. They may sometimes feel rejected or disapproval from others, even if they do not intend to. Low self-esteem can have a profound impact on a person's mental health.

Developing a healthy sense of self-esteem is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness, self-compassion, and a commitment to personal growth. ​


If you find yourself struggling with persistent low self-esteem or its impact on your life, consider reaching out to a therapist for guidance and support.


Remember, building self-esteem is a journey, and it's okay to take small steps forward. Be patient and kind to yourself as you work on yourself. With time, effort, and self-compassion, you can cultivate a strong sense of self-worth that will serve as a foundation for a more fulfilling and authentic life.

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  • ​Anger Management Therapy

  • Anxiety Therapy

  • Depression Therapy

  • Grief Therapy

  • LGBTQIA+ Affirming Therapy

  • Relationship / Couples Therapy

  • Trauma Therapy

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